sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


Bueno, estamos asombrados  por la gran acogida que ha tenido la marca. ¡Estamos muy contentos!
Desde que nos embarcamos en este viaje nos han pasado muchas cosas. Todo esto surgió casi sin planearlo y ahora nos estamos preparando para más. Trabajando cada día, y comunicandonos con todos ustedes, respondiendo a todos los e-mails y conociendo a gente genial por el camino. Queremos pedir paciencia porque jamás imaginamos que el efecto sería tan fuerte. Estamos esperando cositas nuevas, no se preocupen. Estamos pensando a lo grande y cosas nuevas estan al llegar, pronto. ¡Estén atentos!

So, we are overwhelmed with happiness because you are loving our products so much. Since we started this journey many things happened to us. All this was unplanned and we are preparing for more. Working hard everyday, and comunicating with you all, answering e-mails and meeting new nice people along the way.We ask you for patience because we never imagined the effect could be this great. We are waiting for new stuff, don´t worry. We are dreaming big, and new things are coming soon. Stay tuned. 

The Mermaid

2 comentarios :

  1. Hello there!

    I hope you are well and enjoying the sea somewhere!

    I love your site and all the beautiful things you have posted on it. Congratulations.

    You might be interested in having a look at my board bags, Goose Bags! They're handmade and made by up-cycled lorry/truck tarpaulin (saving it from the landfill) and other heard-wearing materials. I love colour and good design and each bag is made with love and care.

    Have a peek at my website - www.goosebags.co.uk and the facebook page www.facebook.com/goosebagspage for more photos and information.

    Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from you.


  2. Hi Lucy Foster.
    Thanks for the nice words!
    We just checked your web, we love your products so much.
    So in the line with what we do!

    We will post something about you soon! keep in touch!!

    If you want to send us media or more info do it at: meandthemermaid@gmail.com

